Ephesians 5:8-21
Vandy and I are currently reading a book together called
“A Year of Biblical Womanhood” by Rachel Held Evans. Rachel took a year and examined different
aspects of what some American evangelical Christians would describe as being
the biblical ideal for women. She
decided to do this because she realized all the mixed messages she was getting about
what a Christian woman should be and do.
For example, her church taught that women should not have authority over
a man so women should not preach from the pulpit because this was a violation
of Paul’s instructions to Timothy in 1 Tim. 2:12. But her church would consider conservative
Mennonite women to be legalistic for covering their heads even though Paul says
in I Cor. 11:5 that that should also be practiced in the church. So Rachel wanted to gain understanding into
why some things were emphasized as essential to church practice and others were
not. It’s a very thought provoking book.
It raises some interesting questions about why there are
certain things in the Bible that we don’t follow today and why there are things
in the Bible that seem contradictory. We
can see some of this contradiction in Ephesians. There is this beautiful description of the
Church as the Body of Christ, where there is no division because Christ has
destroyed the dividing wall of hostility and brought peace between God and
humanity and between Jew and Gentile.
There are no insiders and outsiders in the Body of Christ, for “through
Christ we both have access to the Father by one Spirit.” So there are no foreigners and aliens but all
are fellow citizens and members of God’s household (2:14-20). In chapter 4 Paul exhorts his readers to make
every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace because
there is one Body and one Spirit and we’ve all received one baptism and have
one Lord. Yet in this unity, there is
also diversity as God has gifted the members of the Body with different gifts
and abilities. These are given for the
good of all that the entire body might grow and mature and reach unity in the
faith and in the knowledge of God and become mature. (chapter 4).
So he’s teaching that we all have a place in the Body of Christ, we all
are necessary to it, we all have gifts that are needed and useful to the Body
and we are all growing together, supporting each other, towards maturity in the
In the passage we read this morning, Paul is encouraging
his listeners to live faithfully as children of the light, doing those things
that please the Lord, not having anything to do with those things that are of
the dark because they aren’t in the dark anymore. They are now in the light. He means don’t practice those things that are
contrary to the kingdom of God anymore.
In chapter 4 and into chapter 5 he had listed some of those things such
as harboring bitterness, rage and anger, slandering others, fighting with
others, stealing, lying, being greedy, impure or immoral. These are not the things that bring glory and
honor to God so make sure such things as these are not a part of your life, is
what he is saying.
In Eph. 5:15 Paul tells the reader to be very careful,
then, how you live – not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every
opportunity, because the days are evil.
…Understand what the Lord’s will is…be filled with the Spirit.” He’s saying we are to devote ourselves daily
to seeking the Lord’s will, to be living in the power of the Holy Spirit. If we are going to avoid the evil around us
in the world, we need God’s help. Only
He can truly give us the power to overcome evil, both the evil that exists in
our own sin nature and the evil that lurks in the world and would love nothing
better than to destroy God’s people.
I made a commitment to live as a disciple of Jesus Christ
when I was 16 years old. Since that time
I’ve experienced how easy it is to fall prey to evil. You think you’re doing good and suddenly
something sets your temper off. Or you
start questioning someone’s motives and thinking bad about them. Or you find yourself in a situation of need
and you’re tempted to do something about it that you know is against God’s
laws. We are all fallible and it takes
staying connected to God’s Spirit and to God’s people to keep on track and
continue to grow. This is what Paul is
encouraging the Ephesians to do. He
tells them to speak to each other with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, to
encourage each other and instruct each other with scripture. To worship God and give thanks. These things help us remember what God has
done and is doing. Thankfulness helps us
to keep from falling into despair as we remind ourselves of God’s faithfulness
and love. It’s all good stuff.
But then in 5:22 Paul tells wives that they are to submit
to their husbands as to the Lord. For
the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the body. Suddenly we are no longer in the context of
relationships of equality and mutuality in the Body of Christ, where we are all
supporting one another and encouraging one another as we grow together, but are
in a context of hierarchy with the wife being told to take a subordinate
position to her husband. As we go on
into chapter 6 Paul continues in this vein telling children to obey their
parents in the Lord and to honor them and telling slaves to obey their masters
with respect, fear and sincerity of heart, just as they would obey Christ. Here we can see very clear divisions in
relationships in contrast to Paul’s earlier writings that we are all members of
one household, no longer foreigners and aliens divided from one another, but
fellow citizens together, members of one body.
It’s confusing. It seems like 2
different messages.
In the Church today, the confusion continues. Some churches, like the one Rachel Held Evans
grew up in, hold to the view that women submit to men and therefore cannot lead
in the church. Other churches say that
this teaching doesn’t apply to women in the church, that it is a teaching for
husbands and wives and as long as a husband allows it, a woman can lead in the
church. Others would say leadership in the
church is about who God is gifting and calling and that could be a man or a
woman and whoever God is gifting and calling should be allowed to lead or teach
or whatever. Paul really doesn’t help us
gain any clarity into how this should be applied because in this book and in
Colossians, he has these instructions for submission in the household. Yet in his other writings he affirms women
leaders in the church, including mentioning a woman named Junia whom he said
was outstanding among the apostles (Rom. 16:7).
And he writes in Galatians 3:28 “There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave
nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” There doesn’t seem to be any indication of
hierarchy of relationships in that verse.
far as the teaching about slaves and masters goes, Paul, in his letter to
Philemon, actually is advocating for freedom for the slave Onesimus. He writes “Therefore, although in Christ I
could be bold and order you to do what you ought to do, yet I appeal to you on
the basis of love…I appeal to you for my son Onesimus, who became my son while
I was in chains…I am sending him back to you.
I would have liked to keep him with me…But I did not want to do anything
without your consent…Perhaps the reason he was separated from you for a little
while was that you might have him back for good – no longer as a slave, but
better than a slave, as a dear brother.
He is very dear to me but even dearer to you, both as a man and as a
brother in the Lord.” He’s clearly
telling Philemon that the relationship of slave/master is no more and now they
are brothers in the Lord.
what are we to make of all this? Let’s
go back to Ephesians 5:21. Before Paul
gets into his instructions about husbands and wives he writes “submit to one
another out of reverence for Christ.”
That word submit is a military term meaning to arrange the troops in a
military fashion under the command of a leader.
In non-military usage, it meant a voluntary attitude of giving in,
cooperating, assuming responsibility and carrying a burden. So Paul is telling the believers at Ephesus
to not be stubborn and insist on one’s own way all the time but rather work
together, cooperate, assume responsibility for one another and carry each
other’s burdens. In this way, the church
will work harmoniously and grow.
then he includes something called the household codes. These were codes of behavior that were
followed by households in Roman culture. They gave absolute authority to the
male head of the household. They
prescribed how life would be lived in Roman culture by giving men total
authority over their wives, children and slaves. The difference is that Paul, in his
instructions, commands the men to love their wives and treat them well, even as
they love their own bodies and take care of them. They are not to exasperate
their children but train them in the Lord, and they are to treat their slaves
well, not threatening them. The Roman
household codes didn’t put any restrictions on men at all, while Paul does put
restrictions on them. But still this
doesn’t seem to fit in with what Paul’s been advocating earlier about mutual
be honest, I don’t know why Paul includes this in his letter. Greater minds than mine argue over Paul’s
teachings about submission and can’t come to an agreement, so I don’t feel too
bad. The best I can come up with is that he’s telling his Gentile readers who
live in Roman culture that, if they are going to follow the Roman household
codes, then it has to be transformed by the truth of the Gospel of Jesus
Christ. That means that men have a
responsibility to their wives, children and slaves. It doesn’t just go one way. But I don’t think this is the ideal for the
Body of Christ. So I went further back
to the creation account to see what God’s original intent was for human relationships.
we go back to the creation account and read in Genesis 2 where God decides to
make woman, we read that God says “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” There was no suitable helper for Adam to be
found among the animals. So God caused
him to fall asleep, took one of his ribs and made a woman from it and brought her
to Adam. When he saw her Adam said “ This
is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman’ for
she was taken out of man.’ For this
reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and
they will become one flesh.”
needed someone suitable to him, someone who corresponded to him, who literally
“went in front of” him or matched him. And
this person was give help or aid or support.
So Adam needed something that Eve provided. The idea is of two things of equal strength
but different abilities that match and make a whole. Now please don’t misinterpret what I’m
saying. I’m not saying a single person
isn’t whole and you need a mate to be whole.
I’m saying in the original male/female relationship the dynamic was to
be a team and part of what that particular team needed to do was be fruitful
and multiply so, yes, they had to be one male and one female.
to bring this idea back into the context of relationships within the Body of
Christ and into the context of Christian households, I think this idea of
relationships being like a team is very valid and fits with the model of the
Body of Christ. In a team, people work
together and strengths and weaknesses are balanced out. The focus isn’t on one person alone. All work together to reach a common
goal. This is what Paul has been
teaching all along in this letter to the Ephesians. The goal is maturity in Christ and all are
exhorted to work together, to use their gifts, to encourage one another, to
speak to each other in psalms and hymns, to guard against those things that
destroy unity. The same goal is there in
household relationships. The relationship
between spouses should be that of a team with the goal of both growing in
maturity in Christ. It’s not about one
being lifted up higher than the other but rather about both respecting and
honoring the other and both using their strengths for the good of the
household. In relationships between
parents and children the goal is growth and maturity in Christ, not having the
last word or putting pressure on our kids to succeed in one area or
another. What difference would it make
in our relationships with our children if we were more intentional about
talking about the strengths they bring to the family system and their value to
the family, then we did talking about their weaknesses or areas where they need
to improve?
really stands out to me in looking at these household codes in Ephesians is
that relationships can’t be about power.
There is one Lord, one Father, one Savior, one Spirit and none of us are
that one. The issue of power has been
settled. We all live under the power and
authority of Christ, whether we be male or female, child or adult, master or
servant. So the real issue of submission
is to submit first to the authority and Lordship of Christ and then to one
another. Remember submission is defined
as a voluntary attitude of giving in, cooperating, assuming responsibility and
carrying a burden. We cooperate with one
another in our family relationships. We
assume responsibility for one another, looking out for one another, protecting
one another. We carry each other’s
burdens, adding our strength where the other is weak. And we allow others to carry our burdens as
we want strong families, strong friendships, strong churches, we need to have a
good understanding of what it means to be the Body of Christ and how this works
in all these areas of relationship. Last
week at the women’s retreat we began a conversation about the strengths of
women’s voices, the necessity of having our voices heard in the community of
faith, in our homes, in our workplaces.
We talked about why our voices are silent and what it would take to have
them heard again. And we recognized the
affirmation we have received from men and women in our lives. We need to support and encourage each other
as we grow together.
we conclude this sermon series on the Body of Christ, I think it is important
that we commit ourselves to living as the Body.
We need each other, we need the support we gain from one another. We can’t let ourselves be divided in our
congregation or in our homes. Last week
Pastor Leonard preached about standing together and he used the illustration of
the Redwood trees, whose root systems are intertwined. This is what helps to make them strong. We as believers in Christ have to grow like
that. We have to draw close so that our
root systems can intertwine and give us all strength. This past Wednesday as we prayed together at
noon prayer, one of the things I found myself praying for was that those in our
congregation who feel like they are on the outside would be drawn in and feel
welcomed and a part of this fellowship; that there would be no foreigners or
strangers among us. We are all one
people in Jesus Christ and we want to commit ourselves to continue to grow in
unity and in strength.
invite the worship team to come forward now and lead us in our closing worship
song. As we worship, let’s commit
ourselves to continue to grow together, to do the hard work of maintaining
healthy relationships both in the congregation and in our homes, and to open
ourselves up to continue to welcome others into our circles of relationships,
and to grow to maturity in Christ. Let’s