News for the Persecuted
16:16-34; Matthew 5:10
First of all I would like to wish all the fathers and
grandfathers with us today a very Happy Fathers Day! May God bless you and continue to give you
wisdom and grace as you father your children and grandchildren.
we are ending our sermon series on the beatitudes. Pastor Leonard said we’ve saved the best for
last! I don’t know, I’ve not been too
enthused about this persecution beatitude. In fact last month Pastor Leonard
was talking about the beatitude he was working on and was saying it wasn’t very
exciting or inspiring and he asked “Can you think of worse beatitude than this
one?” and I was like “Hello?
Persecution?” It’s not like “blessed are the peacemakers” or
“blessed are the merciful” or “blessed are the pure in heart.” The other beatitudes highlight some admirable
quality and we’d like to have these qualities.
But I don’t really think of persecution as being an admirable quality to
have. It tends to be something we’d like
to avoid if possible. To be persecuted means to be harassed or mistreated. It sounds painful and unpleasant. It involves people being evil to one another
and that’s something we as Christians are supposed to be working against. So when I first started working on this
sermon, it was hard to get into it.
Actually I’ve been working on it for about 3 weeks and that’s unusual
for me. It usually doesn’t take that
long for one to come together.
I finally realized the problem I was having
was the word “persecuted”. It was taking
over the whole beatitude for me and it was hard for me to see what else was
there. It was persecuting me! So I took it out of the verse. I just decided to ignore it for a little bit
and look for what else might be there and that’s when I was able to focus on
the word “righteousness”. This word
refers to God’s saving acts but it also indicates a relationship. Through God’s saving acts we who trust in
Christ are brought into a new relationship with God. We have a new status as righteous. It means we’ve been placed into a “right”
relationship with God. We receive this
as a gift from God but it places responsibilities on us. In this new status, God has some claim on our
conduct. We are to live as righteous
people. It’s like if I were to come into
your home as a guest, you would have some claim on my conduct. If you wanted me to take my shoes off at the
door, I would need to do that because it’s your house and I’m your guest. When God brings us into this new relationship
of “righteous” He brings us into His household.
Paul writes in Eph. 2:19 that we are “no longer foreigners and aliens,
but fellow citizens with God’s people and members of God’s household.” So He has a say over how we live as members
of His household.
now we can go back and add in “persecution” and we see that Jesus is saying
“blessed are those who are persecuted because they are in right relationship
with God and are living according to the standards of conduct for the members
of God’s household.” The reason for the
persecution is because we are doing the right thing. Peter writes “It is better, if it is God’s
will, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil (3:17)…If you suffer, it
should not be as a murderer or thief or any other kind of criminal, or even as
a meddler. However, if you suffer as a
Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name.”
(4:15-16). So the beatitude started to
sound a little better to me as I unpacked that word “righteous”. Being in right relationship with God, and
living as members of His household are supposed to live, may invite some
persecution from those who are not members of God’s household and don’t live as
God wants us to live. It’s a fact of
life as a Christian. Not everyone is
going to like us or like what we stand for and how we live. And they will let us know. Jesus is telling us this right at the
beginning of his sermon.
then I got hung up on the word “blessed.”
No matter how I tried, I couldn’t see blessing in being persecuted, even
if the persecution is because of being in right relationship with God and
living as He wants members of His household to live. So I decided to consult a Bible commentary
and see what someone else thought about this.
In NT Wright’s commentary on Matthew he translates the word “blessed” as
“wonderful news” or “good news.” Jesus
is announcing good news here at the beginning of his sermon. “Good news to you
who are poor in spirit. Yours is the
kingdom of heaven. Good news to you who
mourn. You will be comforted. Good news to you who are meek. You will inherit the earth. Good news to you who hunger and thirst for
righteousness. You will be filled. Good news to you who are merciful. You will be shown mercy. Good news to you who
are pure in heart. You will see
God. Good news to you who are
peacemakers. You will be called children
of God. Good news to you who are
persecuted because you are in right relationship with God and are living as
members of His household. Yours is the
kingdom of heaven.” Good News! This announcement of Good News begins and
ends with the declaration “that the kingdom of heaven is ours.”
fits in so well with what Jesus makes clear to everyone is his purpose. In Luke chapter 4 Jesus stands up in the
synagogue of his hometown at the beginning of his ministry and declares “The
Spirit of the Lord is on me because he has anointed me to preach or announce or
proclaim good news to the poor. He has
sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners, and recovery of sight for the
blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s
favor.” Now in Matthew 5 we read a
further announcement of good news that the kingdom of heaven is ours. Matthew and Luke are making it very clear
that Jesus is the Messiah – God’s anointed one – who has come to announce that
the Kingdom of God is now here on earth as it is in heaven. And Jesus is not only announcing this, he’s
also instituting the rule of God’s kingdom as he goes around forgiving sins,
healing the sick, delivering those oppressed by evil, casting out demons, and
preaching and teaching how to live as members of God’s household. He’s advancing the kingdom of God or the rule
of God as He does this and He commissions those who are his disciples to do the
as we all know, when a new rule is instituted, when a new regime takes over,
the old regime will fight back. Just
this week in Iraq, Sunni militants took over the city of Mosul and that country
is on the brink of civil war as Shiite’s organize to fight against them. Just over a week ago, the world was
remembering D-Day, when allied forces invaded France to take back the territory
in Europe that Hitler had invaded and placed under Nazi rule. When one power seeks to assert itself against
another power, there is a fight coming.
This is why Jesus announces about persecution. As the kingdom of heaven advances, those who
advance it can expect to meet opposition and persecution.
and Silas experienced this in the story we heard from Acts 16. Paul and Silas are in Philippi and they’ve
met with a few people there who had a habit of gathering near the river to pray
together. There wasn’t a synagogue at
Philippi, most likely because there weren’t enough devout Jewish men in that
area to form one. But there were several women who gathered regularly and Paul
and Silas met them and talked with them about Jesus and they became
believers. So in verse 16 Paul and Silas
are on their way to meet these new believers at the place of prayer and this
slave girl who was a fortune teller starts following them around yelling that
they are servants of the Most High God and are telling people the way to be
saved. So we read that as Christians in
2014 and think, “what’s wrong with that?”
But to the people of Philippi listening to this slave girl, they have no
idea that the Most High God is Jesus and that the way to be saved is through
faith that he is the Messiah who died for their sins and rose again and this
salvation involves living as members of God’s household. They think she’s talking about Zeus or
Jupiter and salvation is wealth, health and power. She’s distorting the message that Paul and
Silas have to bring to this town.
here we see Paul and Silas coming up against the spiritual powers of darkness
that have been ruling in this girl’s life and in this town. Through this slave girl, these spiritual
powers are trying to distort the announcement of the good news that the kingdom
of God has come. This girl followed them
around for many days, yelling like a town crier until finally Paul got so upset
that he confronted the spirit in her and commanded it in the name of Jesus to
come out of her. And it did because the
Kingdom of God has come and now there is a new authority in place that has to
be obeyed. The spiritual powers of
darkness that had ruled for so long were no longer in power and the demon now
had to obey the authority of Jesus Christ.
once the demon left the girl she lost her powers of fortune telling and her
owners were upset because they had made a lot of money off her. Luke writes that “they seized Paul and Silas
and dragged them into the marketplace to face the authorities.” So now the kingdom of God is coming up
against the earthly authorities of government.
We see this so many times in Acts where the Kingdom of God comes against
the Empire of Rome. Paul and Silas are
severely flogged and thrown into prison.
That’s persecution. They are
suffering because they are doing the things that members of God’s household
do. They are proclaiming good news and
advancing the rule of God by doing the very things that Jesus himself did in
confronting the powers of darkness and casting them out.
even in the prison, they pray and worship God and the other prisoners are
listening to them. Even now they are proclaiming
good news. And God intervenes by
bringing an earthquake that shakes the foundation of the prison, the doors fly
open and everyone’s chains come loose.
This is a pretty big announcement of freedom for the prisoners. Everyone’s chains are broken, not just Paul
and Silas’. The theme of last week’s
Pentecost service was “there is power in the name of Jesus to break every
chain.” We see that truth demonstrated
here in this story as everyone’s chain is broken. The kingdom of God is for everyone and there
is no opposing power that can stand against the power of God. Every chain is broken and every power is
brought into submission to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
the jailor comes and sees that all the doors are open he’s about to kill
himself because he thinks all the prisoners have escaped. But Paul stops him by saying they are all
there. Why would prisoners who are
suffering under the empire of Rome, choose to stay when their chains have been
broken? Most likely because they
recognized that in this place a new authority has broken in. This is another part of the good news. The kingdom of God has come to us right where
we are. We don’t have to go somewhere
new to experience the kingdom of God. We
don’t have to move to Jerusalem to live in the kingdom of God. We don’t have to get our lives straightened
out first before we can experience the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God came
into the prison and the kingdom of God comes to us wherever we are and breaks
all the chains in that place and brings freedom.
jailor at some level recognizes that there is a new authority, a new kingdom
ruling here because he prostrates himself before Paul and Silas and then asks,
“What must I do to be saved?” He’s the
jailor but he’s asking the prisoners what he needs to do. NT Wright translates the jailor’s question as
“Gentlemen, will you please tell me how I can get out of this mess?” And they answer him “Believe in the Lord
Jesus, and you will be saved – you and your household.” The jailor recognizes that under the old
kingdom – the empire of Rome - things are about as messed up as they can
be. His prison is in a shambles and all
the prisoners are loose. He’s in a heap
of trouble. But there’s a new kingdom
and he can enter that kingdom and be saved – him and his whole household. How does the jailer do this? How do we get out of the shambles that our
lives may be? How do we get out of the
mess of broken relationships, bad decisions, financial difficulties, regrets,
shame, whatever mess it is we find ourselves in? We believe in the Lord Jesus. We recognize and acknowledge his authority as
Lord over all. We enter the kingdom of
God and live under His rule as members of His household.
doesn’t mean everything will be great, that’s God is going to instantly make
right everything that’s been wrong. All
we have to do is look around us to see that’s not true. But God will fill us with His Spirit, create
in us a new heart, transform us from the inside out so that we have a new
motivation for living as God wants us to live.
This is what it means to be born again, because we are born into the
kingdom of God. This is the good
news. The kingdom of heaven is
ours. The jailor found out the truth of
this as he and his household believe, are baptized and are changed.
this beatitude Jesus is declaring the good news that the kingdom of heaven is
ours. We can live in this kingdom with
full rights and privileges as God places us in right relationships with Himself
through His own gracious acts of salvation.
We can live as members of God’s own household, fulfilling those
responsibilities, with God Himself giving us the ability to do this as He fills
us with His own Spirit. There will be
persecution as the kingdom of God advances against the kingdoms of
darkness. But there is no power that can
stand against the kingdom of God. It
breaks into every place, breaks every chain, overcomes every form of
opposition. God is advancing His kingdom
through us, He is working through us. We
are his hands and feet, his eyes and mouth as we work against the powers of
darkness and do the things Jesus did in our own network of relationships, our
own families, our communities, and around the world.
story of Paul and Silas in prison is the story of God at work expanding His
kingdom. God is not just looking out for
his boys Paul and Silas. He’s working to
bring freedom to the slave girl, bound by an evil spirit and used by her owners
for their own selfish gain. He’s working
to bring freedom to the jailor and his whole household and perhaps to many of
the other prisoners as well. He’s
working to bring light into the spiritual darkness of Philippi. At the end of the story God’s rule now
extends over many more lives and will continue expanding as these believers now
carry out the commission from Jesus to make disciples. This is the good news – the kingdom of heaven
is ours.
invite the worship team to come up now as we transition to a time of
prayer. Maybe you are like me and have a
hard time with this persecution idea.
Maybe you don’t like to think of the conflict and hard work and change
that will need to happen if the kingdom of God is going to advance in your own
life. But to quote Dr. Phil, how is it
working for you outside the kingdom of God?
Have you found yourself yet asking the question the jailor asked “How
can I get out of this mess?” Whatever
mess we find ourselves in, whatever enemies we find ourselves facing, the good
news is to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.
The answer is to face the fight because it is a fight between darkness
and light. We have to make the decision
that we will face the discomfort and pain of confronting the powers of darkness
as we live under the rule and reign of Jesus in the kingdom of God.
week Chantelle spoke to us about peacemaking and reminded us that it wasn’t
comfortable. It’s hard work and it
creates its own conflicts. None of what
Jesus is talking about in Matthew chapter 5 is sweet and peaceful and
comfortable because he’s talking about the kingdom of God advancing against the
kingdom of darkness and that creates conflict.
Jesus says in Mt. 11:12 “From the days of John the Baptist until now,
the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing and forceful men lay hold
of it.” There’s work involved in living
in the kingdom of God. Are we ready to
commit to the work that needs to be done in our own lives, our own families,
our own communities and to face the conflict and pain that will be involved as
the kingdom of God advances? As the
worship team leads us in our closing song, if you are ready to see the kingdom
of God advance in whatever situation you may be facing, then in this time of
prayer and worship, make that commitment to believe in the Lord Jesus
Christ. Ask for the power of God to come
into your own life in a fresh way so that you can make your stand against the
kingdom of darkness. If you’d like
prayer, myself and others from the prayer team can be available here to pray
with you as we worship.