We are continuing today with our sermon series “How Long
is the Wait.” When Jesus was leaving his
disciples before he ascended into heaven he told them in Acts 1 “Do not leave
Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised…in a few days you will be
baptized with the Holy Spirit.” They
didn’t have to wait long, just 10 days or so and the Holy Spirit came. But when we read further down in the chapter,
after Jesus was taken up, the disciples just stood there looking intently into
the sky. Two angels had to come and say
to them, “Why are ya’ll standing around looking into the sky? This same Jesus who went up is going to come back.” In other words, you need to get busy doing
what he told you to do. Don’t let him come back and catch you standing around
not doing what he told you to do. And
what he had told them to do for the immediate future was to wait.
But waiting is hard.
I’ve been waiting since Jan. 5th to see my Baby Girl
again. She’s been in Central America on
her cross-cultural semester. She got engaged
and I’ve been waiting since Feb. 21st to see that engagement ring on
her finger. Because they couldn’t
possibly take a picture of it and text it to me anytime during the last 2
months. No they are making me wait. Pastor Leonard referred in his sermon last
week to me waiting on the wi fi here to work but I’m not the only one who has
problems waiting for that! I think
that’s why he asked me to speak on Waiting with Wisdom. He’s trying to equip
me. Believers have been waiting 2000
years for the promise of these 2 angels to be fulfilled and for Jesus to come
back. For 2000 years Christians have
died waiting for the promise of the resurrection to be fulfilled. Many of us are waiting for God to answer our
prayers. Last week many of you wrote down what you are waiting for and posted
those on the prayer wall. So we all are
familiar with waiting. But the question
we are looking at today is how do we wait?
In Acts 1:6 the disciples asked Jesus the question “Lord,
are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?” They knew Jesus was the Messiah and the
Messiah was the one who would rule forever on David’s throne. The prophet Daniel had spoken of the son of
man who came with the clouds of heaven and approached the Ancient of Days and
was given authority, glory and sovereign power.
In Daniel 7:14 he writes, “all peoples, nations and men of every
language worshiped him. His dominion is
an everlasting dominion that will not pass away and his kingdom is one that
will never be destroyed.” The
expectation of the disciples was that this everlasting kingdom, with Israel as
its location, would be fully inaugurated by Jesus in their lifetime.
But in Matthew 25 Jesus tells 3 parables explaining that,
at the time before his final return, the kingdom of heaven will be like people
waiting. The 10 virgins were waiting for
the bridegroom to come. In the parable
of the talents a little further on in the chapter, the servants were waiting on
their master to return. And in the
parable of the sheep and the goats, when Jesus does return, there is a
separating out of those who were waiting and ready for his return and those who
were not ready for his return. At this
time, in this time in which we are living, the Kingdom of Heaven involves
waiting. It’s normal for us as believers
to be waiting. But it is important how
we wait.
In the parable of the 10 virgins, we see that there is a
difference in how these girls waited.
They all were anticipating going into the wedding feast. They went to the house of the groom and were
all waiting for him to return with his bride.
The custom for a marriage in Jesus’ day was that the groom would go to
the house of the bride with some of his relatives to claim her as his wife, and
then take her back to his house for a feast.
All her relatives would process back to the groom’s house with her. Along the way, they would stop at friends and
relatives houses to receive congratulations and for more people to join the
procession. You never knew how long it
would take to get back to the groom’s house where there were more friends and
relatives gathered to celebrate. The
feast wouldn’t start until the bride and groom arrived. If the bride lived in another village and
they planned to make several stops along the way, it could be the middle of the
night before they arrived at the groom’s house.
Then everyone would go inside the house, or into the compound if the
house had a yard that was walled in, and the doors would be shut and the party
would begin.
These 10 young women were waiting at the groom’s house
and they all had taken lamps because they anticipated him arriving after
dark. 5 of them were prepared for the
wait. They took extra oil so their lamps
could burn all night long if necessary.
5 of them were not prepared for the wait. They took the lamps but no extra oil. When their lamps burned low, they had nothing
to replenish them with. And while they
were out looking for more oil, the bride and groom arrived and went into the
feast and the doors were shut. When the
5 foolish girls returned, they couldn’t get into the party. This sounds harsh
and it’s meant to. How could they let 5
young teenage girls wander the streets in the middle of the night? Wouldn’t they have asked the partygoers if
anyone knows them and then let them in?
Jesus means it to sound harsh because he’s making a point. In the kingdom, we must be properly prepared
for our wait. There are serious
consequences to us not being properly prepared for our wait. He says in verse 13 “Therefore keep watch,
because you do not know the day or the hour” meaning the time of his
return. In all 3 of the parables in
Matthew 25, there are serious consequences for the foolishness of those who do
not wait with proper preparations.
Now to give us an idea of what he means by being properly
prepared, we need to remind ourselves of the Passover story. The teachings and events in Matthew 24, 25
and 26 take place in the week before Passover, after Jesus came into Jerusalem
on Palm Sunday. So this is taking place
in the days just before his crucifixion, when Jesus, his disciples, and all the
Jews were preparing for the Passover celebration. We read about the original Passover in Exodus
12. In this chapter God gives Moses and
Aaron the instructions for how the Jews are to celebrate the first Passover and
for how they are to observe this celebration every year from here on out. He tells them that each household is to
select a lamb or 2, enough to feed their household, and they are to care for it
for 4 days and then slaughter it. Then
they are to put the blood of the lamb on the sides and top of their doorframes
to mark their houses. They are to roast
the lamb and eat it with unleavened bread.
In Exodus 12:11 God says “This is how you are to eat it; with your cloak
tucked into your belt, your sandals on your feet and your staff in your hand. Eat it in haste; it is the Lord’s Passover.” They were to eat the Passover meal dressed
and ready to leave Egypt at a moment’s notice.
They had to be properly prepared for their journey. The Passover was the last meal they would eat
as slaves. In the middle of the night,
after God had passed through Egypt and destroyed the firstborn of the
Egyptians, Pharaoh summoned Moses and Aaron and told them to take the
Israelites and get out of Egypt. Their
waiting was over.
When Jesus talks about the bridegroom arriving in the
middle of the night, the master returning home in the middle of the night, he’s
reminding the people of the first Passover, when God delivered them in the
middle of the night and the order came to leave Egypt immediately. Deliverance arrived suddenly in the middle of
the night and they had to be packed and ready to go. This is waiting with wisdom, waiting prepared
for what we are anticipating to finally arrive.
The Israelites waited over 400 years to be delivered from
Egypt. We’ve been waiting 2000 years for
Jesus to come back. Many of us are
waiting for answers to prayers, for loved ones to come to faith in Christ, for
financial needs to be met, for relationships to be healed, for sickness or
diseases to be healed, for peace to come between nations, for light to shine on
those who are steeped in the darkness of prejudice of one type or another. How do we wait with wisdom, being prepared
for the answer?
Waiting with wisdom means waiting in spite of the
circumstances. The Israelites had been
waiting a long time for a deliverer to come.
When Moses finally came and God called him to deliver the Israelites, he
went to Pharaoh to demand their release, as God told him to do, and Pharaoh
responded by increasing the workload of the Israelites. Things got worse for them. Moses and Pharaoh kept going back and forth,
with God sending plagues and Pharaoh telling them to leave but then changing
his mind and making them stay. Over and
over the people’s hopes were dashed as Pharaoh held on. But when they were told to eat the Passover
dressed and ready to go, they did it. In
spite of all that had gone before, in spite of all the times they thought they
were free and then weren’t, in spite of 400 years of waiting, they were
prepared when deliverance arrived. They
waited in spite of the circumstances.
The disciples waited after the crucifixion. They had no expectation of the resurrection
in spite of the fact that Jesus had told them he would come back for them. Fortunately Jesus didn’t stay in the grave
that long because, I think once the shock of the crucifixion wore off, they
would have been tempted to scatter. But
for those 3 days between the crucifixion and the resurrection, they held
together and waited in spite of the circumstances.
Waiting with wisdom means waiting with hope. In looking at our parable of the 10 virgins,
5 of them anticipated needing oil. The
other 5 didn’t. They didn’t expect to
need to use their lamps very long. In a
sense they didn’t have hope that the party would last all night and they would
need to replenish their oil. When we
don’t expect something, when we don’t hope for something, we don’t plan for
it. We’re not going to expend our
resources on something we don’t expect to happen. But when we have hope that something is going
to happen, then we prepare. Are we
preparing for the answer to those things we posted on the prayer wall last
week? Are we preparing for the answer to
our prayers to arrive? What do we need
to be doing to prepare to receive God’s answer?
How much oil do we need? When we
can answer this question, then we are waiting with wisdom and with hope.
When we were still located in the little white building
across the street, we began to envision what the kingdom of God could look like
in this neighborhood. I remember
probably 12 or so years ago, we had an adult Sunday school class where we did
some visioning. We talked about being in
a bigger space where we could offer programming for children, where we could
have health and wellness programs for the neighborhood, where we could maybe
have a thrift store, where we could have more space for worship so more people
could be welcomed into our fellowship.
And for years we prayed and visioned and researched and planned. Out of those dreams was birthed Oxford Circle
Christian Community Development Association and all the programming this
organization does to benefit this neighborhood.
Out of those dreams was birthed the ability to move into this space, to
increase our capacity for worship and Christian Education. For years we waited while this building sat
on the market unsold until the owners were ready to hear our vision and we were
ready with concrete plans to put our vision into action. We waited and in our waiting we prepared. This is waiting with wisdom.
Waiting with wisdom means we are careful who we listen
to. The 5 wise young women didn’t listen
to the 5 foolish ones. One translation I
read called them dim witted. They didn’t
have good sense. They didn’t take extra
oil. We don’t need to listen to those
who aren’t prepared themselves. We need
to listen to those who are waiting prepared for what is to come. Who do you know who is prepared for the
return of Jesus, who is waiting with hope and anticipation that He will come,
and that He will make good on all His promises?
When you find that person of hope, listen to them. Learn from them. Do what they do. Don’t listen to people who have no hope. They can’t help you.
Waiting with wisdom means we follow the instructions we
were given. The disciples were told to
go to Jerusalem and wait, not stand there and sky gaze. The Israelites were told to wear their
traveling clothes while they ate the Passover.
We’ve been given instructions in Matthew 28 to go and make disciples of
all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy
Spirit and teaching them to obey everything Jesus has commanded us. Are we following those instructions? Are we growing as disciples ourselves and are
we making disciples? If we are like the
5 foolish girls, we won’t believe Jesus is coming back anytime soon and we
won’t be growing in discipleship ourselves or seeking to make disciples of
others. When you see someone growing in
their knowledge and understanding of Jesus and putting that knowledge into
action in their own lives then you have found someone who is waiting with
wisdom. This doesn’t mean that we have
to be perfect or that we have to know everything there is to know about Jesus
and the Bible. But it means that we put
into practice what knowledge we have and we keep trying to learn more.
Waiting with wisdom means that we don’t try to borrow
someone else’s resources. The 5
dimwitted girls tried to borrow oil from the 5 who were prepared but that
doesn’t work. The 5 wise girls told them
“we can’t give our oil to you or we won’t have enough for ourselves.” We can’t have someone else do our kingdom
preparation work for us. I had a great
aunt and uncle who were both overweight.
This aunt was a real character.
They would come to my grandparents’ house for dinner and my aunt would
say to my uncle “you don’t need that piece of chicken. It’s not good for you. I’ll eat it for you.” You can’t have someone else eat your chicken
for you and you can’t have someone else do your kingdom preparation work. We all have to make our own preparations for
Jesus’ return. We all have to do our own
work of growing as his disciples. No one
else can get you ready for Jesus’ return and you can’t do the work for anyone
else either. As much as we love other
people and want them to know and love Jesus, and be a part of the kingdom, we
cannot make them be disciples. We can
support, encourage and pray for one another, but each one of us has to make the
decision every day, on our own, to live as a disciple of Jesus. We have to do our own work in the
kingdom. We have to put our own
traveling clothes on and wait for our deliverance.
Are we waiting with wisdom? Are we really expecting the kingdom of God to
come on earth as it is in heaven? Are we
praying in expectation, making preparations for the answer to come? Are we waiting in hope, in spite of the
circumstances around us? As the worship
team comes up and we transition into a time of prayer, I want to encourage us
to think about how we are waiting. Are
we waiting in hope or are we really not expecting any change? Are we anticipating Jesus to do something in
our lives or are we really just content to let things stay the way they
are? Do we have a sense of excitement
that Jesus could break into our world today, or are we apathetic, lulled into
complacency because we’ve been waiting so long?
Have we given up hope that our prayers will be answered because we see
no change in circumstances, or do we still have our traveling clothes on,
prepared for our deliverance to come at a moment’s notice? Jesus said in Matthew 24:42-44 “Therefore
keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what
time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have
let his house be broken into. So you
also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not
expect him.”
As the worship team leads in a song, if you would like
prayer I’ll invite you to come up and members of the prayer team can join
me. We’ll be happy to pray for you. If you’ve been apathetic, not really
believing that Jesus is coming back or that He wants to break into your life,
or that He’s really going to answer your prayer, then please come and let us
pray with you that your hope will be renewed and you can wait in readiness for
what God wants to do in your life.
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